jeans_Photos: Spotted Military Dragon
jeans_Photos: Skink - Dot art
jeans_Photos: I'm lookin' at you
jeans_Photos: Don't get too close
jeans_Photos: Peace
jeans_Photos: Goanna - Varanus tristis
jeans_Photos: Two toed earless skink
jeans_Photos: Bobtail
jeans_Photos: Bobtail
jeans_Photos: What ground? Who needs ground?
jeans_Photos: Ornate Crevice Dragon
jeans_Photos: Western Heath Dragon
jeans_Photos: Pygopod
jeans_Photos: Bobtail
jeans_Photos: Gecko's do have eyelashes
jeans_Photos: Lizard on a fencepost
jeans_Photos: Elegance plus
jeans_Photos: Western Bearded Dragon
jeans_Photos: Something so little near something so big
jeans_Photos: Look at what climbed out from under a rock
jeans_Photos: I hope she doesn't see me
jeans_Photos: Wambin lizard - Ctenophorus ornatus
jeans_Photos: Gecko
jeans_Photos: Gecko
jeans_Photos: Skink
jeans_Photos: Dragon
jeans_Photos: Skink
jeans_Photos: Bobtail lizard
jeans_Photos: Not the type of visitor I wanted to see
jeans_Photos: Imitation