jeans_Photos: Parasitic wasp
jeans_Photos: Lesser Wanderer caterpillar
jeans_Photos: Preparing to spin cocoon - Danaus plexippus
jeans_Photos: Ant milking aphids
jeans_Photos: Inch ant
jeans_Photos: Swan bushes, Aphids and Ladybeetles
jeans_Photos: Ladybeetle tucker
jeans_Photos: Aphis sp
jeans_Photos: Moth
jeans_Photos: Praying mantis - young
jeans_Photos: Swan bushes fruit
jeans_Photos: Swan bushes seeds
jeans_Photos: Bugs
jeans_Photos: Ladybeetle pupae
jeans_Photos: Flying ant
jeans_Photos: Yellow with spots
jeans_Photos: Black Lady beetle
jeans_Photos: Ladybug larvae
jeans_Photos: Ladybug
jeans_Photos: Lesser Wanderer - settled
jeans_Photos: Lesser Wanderer
jeans_Photos: Aphids on Swan plant
jeans_Photos: Aphids on Swan plant
jeans_Photos: Aphids on Swan plant
jeans_Photos: Winged aphids on Swan plant
jeans_Photos: Aphids on Swan bushes