jdx.: this is the land where the pharaoh died.
jdx.: minimum safe distance.
jdx.: in memory.
jdx.: all mortal greatness is but disease.
jdx.: public works.
jdx.: postal. | 怒っ。
jdx.: gash. | 切り傷。
jdx.: shiny & chrome. | 光沢のあるクローム。
jdx.: creation myth.
jdx.: bruiser.
jdx.: black hole.
jdx.: promenade.
jdx.: black & blue.
jdx.: cenotaphs.
jdx.: there must be some kind of way out of here.
jdx.: hyperspace.
jdx.: atomic winter.
jdx.: today we escape.
jdx.: convergence.
jdx.: eötvös effect.
jdx.: skybox.
jdx.: limbo.
jdx.: jump.
jdx.: suspension.
jdx.: i see a darkness.
jdx.: meridian.
jdx.: micropolis.
jdx.: requiem.
jdx.: drone.
jdx.: names of the kingdom.