catalystrxn: Fuzzles finds the fishtank
catalystrxn: Can I get in there somehow?
catalystrxn: What are these things?
catalystrxn: ...maybe from underneath.
catalystrxn: Well, this isn't working.
catalystrxn: Thwarted.
catalystrxn: Make that, angry wet kitty.
catalystrxn: Sour Puss
catalystrxn: I love a wet kitty
catalystrxn: Purrrrr
catalystrxn: I'll just have a drink of your water here
catalystrxn: Post-catnip lounging
catalystrxn: Fuzz meets Hank
catalystrxn: Ow Ow Ow, the finale.
catalystrxn: It just wants to pet you.
catalystrxn: Tiny Little Tinies
catalystrxn: Sharp... Teeth...
catalystrxn: Rrrrrrrrrrrrr
catalystrxn: Ears Pinned Back
catalystrxn: Hello!
catalystrxn: Uh-Oh!
catalystrxn: Ow Ow Ow, the Reprise
catalystrxn: Gonna Git You, Sucka
catalystrxn: Bicycle Kicks!
catalystrxn: The Ol' Chokehold
catalystrxn: Ow Ow Ow
catalystrxn: Vanquished?
catalystrxn: ROARRRRRRR
catalystrxn: The new flurfenens kitty bed.
catalystrxn: Kitty flurfenens donut.