intransit: The Grim Roofer Surveys
intransit: The return of the grim roofer
intransit: The grim roofer in the trees
intransit: Grim roofer
intransit: Back to school
intransit: The grim roofer comes down the chimney
intransit: Grim roofer sits on the fence
intransit: Grim roofer in Acadia
intransit: Grim roofer again
intransit: The grim roofer waits for the bus
intransit: The grim roofer in the briar patch
intransit: The grim roofer crosses the street
intransit: Skating
intransit: Ice bubbles
intransit: Levi on ice
intransit: The grim roofer rises early
intransit: The grim roofer is in your backyard
intransit: Grim roofer casts another long shadow
intransit: The grim roofer travels on different planes
intransit: Grim roofer is above
intransit: Grim roofer stops for lunch
intransit: Grim roofer hanging in the valley
intransit: Ice exhaust
intransit: Grim roofer in the back alley
intransit: The grim roofer hides in a triangle
intransit: Grim roofer crosses the street pt.2
intransit: Grim roofer is right