C.Fredrickson Photography:
The consumer turn out
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Bill Irwin serving up his award winning Key Lime sorbet
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Please... I wan't more.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Bill serves a new fan.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
They were all lined up.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Kelly serving up one of the judges. Her Coffee Heath Bar Crunch won best cream based ice cream.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Kelly serving up one of the judges.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Hans politicing with the judges and consumers.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
A judge taking notes.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
The afternoon entertainment. The Roswell Concert Band.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Serving up the samples
C.Fredrickson Photography:
The girl scouts did face painting.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Serving up the samples
C.Fredrickson Photography:
The boy scouts handled the food other than ice cream
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Sampling professionals
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Serving up the samples
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Serving up the samples
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Serving up the samples
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Ice cream stacking contest
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Ice cream stacking contest
C.Fredrickson Photography:
The winners.
C.Fredrickson Photography:
The winners
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Ellen and Bill Irwin, Kelly and Carl Fredrickson
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Fran, Kelly, and John Smith of East Roswell Rotary Club
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Coldwell Banker/East Roswell Rotary club participants
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Coldwell Banker/East Roswell Rotary club participants
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Ice cream face
C.Fredrickson Photography:
That was fun!
C.Fredrickson Photography:
Young contestants