jdroach: A Streamlined Flight
jdroach: About to the Land - Blue Heron
jdroach: Big Gulp on the James River
jdroach: Blue Heron Fishing-1
jdroach: Blue Heron Fishing-2
jdroach: Blue Heron Watching
jdroach: Blue Heron with Fish-1
jdroach: Blue Heron with Fish-2
jdroach: Blue Heron with Lunch-1
jdroach: Blue Heron with Lunch-2
jdroach: Cormorant Hang Out
jdroach: Eagle Soaring over the James River-1
jdroach: Eagle Soaring over the James River-2
jdroach: Eagle Using Osprey Nest for Lunch-1
jdroach: Eagle Using Osprey Nest for Lunch-2
jdroach: Eagle Using Osprey Nest for Lunch-3
jdroach: Egret on the James River
jdroach: Egret on the James
jdroach: Eye on the Fish - Blue Heron
jdroach: Flight of the Eagle
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-1
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-2
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-3
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-4
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-5
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-6
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-7
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-8
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-9
jdroach: Great Blue Got His Fish-10