jdroach: 35mm Skyline in Milwaukee
jdroach: An Alley in Milwaukee
jdroach: Beach and Surf in the Fog #1
jdroach: Beach and Surf in the Fog #2
jdroach: Gnarly Tree in the Fog #1
jdroach: Gnarly Tree in the Fog #2
jdroach: Lake Michigan Surf in the Fog #1
jdroach: Lake Michigan Surf in the Fog #2
jdroach: Mansion in the Fog #1
jdroach: Mansion in the Fog #2
jdroach: The Grand in Milwaukee
jdroach: Traffic in the Fog #1
jdroach: Traffic in the Fog #2
jdroach: Trees on the Lakefron in the Fog #1
jdroach: Trees on the Lakefront in the Fog #2
jdroach: Water Tower in the Fog #1
jdroach: Water Tower in the Fog #2
jdroach: Water Tower in the Fog #3