David Lesser: Day 1 - we're going to build a boat
David Lesser: Deck beams
David Lesser: Form for curved transom
David Lesser: Laminated stem
David Lesser: Jig for cockpit coaming
David Lesser: Installing sheer clamp
David Lesser: First layer of veneer spiled
David Lesser: Glueing the first 2 layers
David Lesser: Glueing and stapling first two layers
David Lesser: Starting the 3rd layer
David Lesser: Glueing the 3rd layer
David Lesser: Nylon tape to pull staples
David Lesser: Third layer of veneer finished
David Lesser: Not bad, guys
David Lesser: Turned over. Re-installing sheer clamp
David Lesser: Trimming the coaming
David Lesser: Jig for deck, cuddy, and coaming
David Lesser: Assembling deck and cuddy
David Lesser: Deck structures off jig
David Lesser: Mating deck to hull
David Lesser: Mating deck to hull
David Lesser: Mating deck to hull
David Lesser: Deck mated to hull
David Lesser: Deck mated to hull
David Lesser: Out she comes
David Lesser: Nice entry
David Lesser: Five days of work
David Lesser: Dad and Jim
David Lesser: Christening
David Lesser: She Floats