Carb float bowl on left is what it is suppose to look like. #3 carb had jet and spring clip laying in bottom of bowl.
Head side, looks good internally. Have to remove float bowls to get to the offending float valves.
New project, 1977 CB 400 F2 Honda. 8700 miles, appears all original, missing some stuff but should be a good restoration project.
I forgot how small the early small CB's were. My CRF250L looks like a giant next to it.
The main reason to have a small displacement early Honda is the header and the jewel like quality of the engine.
Rear fender and tail light cleaned up. Not perfect but useable and in looks better in person.
gauges-tach-needle, original red under faceplate screw. Two spoons butting up against shaft pry's needle up and off.
Forks disassembled, they look and measure OK. Springs are within 2mm of length new spec. Oil was bad and stinky.
Coils-DYNA. Stock coils had some flaky electrical readings so I decided to replace them along with new solid core plug wires.