parts to make the windscreen-mock up is bowed with a string to match hood conture I took the sheet of acrylic back and ordered Lexan from Ridout in San Diego.
Black lines on bottom still need some fine tuning to get mock up to fit right. The lexan will get a rubber gasket across the bottom to seal it to the body
upright will get cut off around the black line at some point in time. Lexan will extend a couple inches above upright. Update---- Lexan does not extend beyond the top, it is flush.
inner plate that forms the channel to hold Lexan in. The inner plate is now the same height as the outer.
windshield bracket-cold forged like a blacksmith would do it.The hammers, steel plate and my vice were all that was needed. That is aluminum left on the steel plate from beating the aluminum bar stock into shape.
windshield bracket - really stiffens up the side to side stiffness . Looks like one I remember on a couple MGA's I had. Wanted it on the upper bolt but didn't want it to extend way to left, hence the double bend.
windshield bracket 3/8" aluminum round bar stock. Front to back stiffness of the windshield frame is good but side to side is not so good hence the bracket. This bracket is not finished yet, needs more forming and fine tuning and smoothing.
both windshield supports done and in but not bolted to hood until I get the Lexan cut and fitted. They really stiffen up the windshield side to side movement.
almost 12 inch high windshield. I bought enough Lexan to make 2 windshields. The shape of it shows here. when bent to fit between the stays the curves make it conform to the hood curves
10 inch high windshield that is not high enough for normal street driving. Has been changed to 12" high. Sometime I am going to make a 13-14" one.
last time it will be this shiney and clear. Lexan was cut with my PorterCable variable speed jigsaw set a low speed w/ a fine tooth metal cutting blade. It was cut on a 2" thick poly foam sheet to support the cut.
windshield seal - Seal is 1/2" cut off a garage door bottom seal from Home Cheapo. I have been using it to make gaskets for things like the mirror base. Refined yet effective instead of all the bulky seals I looked at on the net.
windshield seal - I had the seal in the garage all the time I was searching the net for the right seal. Just needed to use my imagination more.
Got passenger seat in today along with a new and sturdier bellhousing inspection plate. 10" windshield is too short. Changed to 12".
Tiny, 3 1/2" side mirror that vibrates and you can't see anything out of it but it is just right for this car. Weighs about 6 oz. Spun aluminum. Changed mounting many times B4 the final.
They adjust from 20* forward to 45* back. Windwings with 10"' windshield since changed to 12" windshield and bigger wings. No real need to ever adjust them.
Kinda like MGA wings from the 50's and 60's. Hinges for "wings" are just a portion of a SS piano hinge with a hole to mount them.
Driving around the other day and it was awful windy at 50 mph so I built some windwings. Since made longer and wider.
New 12" tall windshield and brackets. Needed more wind protection. Gained 2" in height. Much better than 10" and I might go to a 13-14" windshield down the road.
windshield rubber to hood-Home Depot bottom garage door seal. trimmed seal to get small seal.
windshield rubber. Center support bracket to keep windshield from pushing in. Aluminum bent to same angle as windshield, bolted down to hood with thru hole for bolt thru windshield.