wilwood pedals & 3 master cylinders. Did not use the Wilwood reservoirs, switched to a Tilton because of leaks.
footwell panel with holes for the pedal/master cylinder rods and boots. When put together the panel prevents hot air coming into interior.
pedal mounts sitting flush to the footwell box end plate. Push rods will go thru holes to Master cylinders and boots/gaiters seal the holes. Clutch is angled to the left to get more foot clearence from the brake pedal.
Stalker pedal box clutch on left is canted to the left to give more footroom from the brake pedal.
Stalker master cylinders-engine side of firewall-right to left-clutch-front brakes-rear brakes
my design and template for firewall of footbox. Clutch hole is angled off to give more foot room from the brake pedal.
not something you use everyday-safety wire I mean. Wilwood front brake with aluminum hub.
master cyl reservoirs-might not be the final locations. Turns out this is not even close to final locations or even type of reservoirs.
front brakes-big enough for 1500 lbs.? The best thing about using this type of caliper is the pads load from the rear so the caliper does not have to come off to change pads.
The other side-Die grinder & lots of black metal dust. A hacksaw might have been better but slower way to cut these.
Pontiac Grand Am rear brake setup--GM brakes suck-built to the lowest possible standard. They do work and are aluminum and light weight.
MC's new layout_ I think this is final. Turns out not to be final because I am now using a much better Tilton 3 in 1 reservoir. Hydralic light switch and residual valve.
parking brake-handle mounted to drivers side frame. Cable is a throttle cable for some other type car but it is the right length now. Works very well, holds car on my sloped driveway and has been flawless after 3 years.
parking brake-mechanical spot brake for parking brake. It is a Wilwood mechanical spot caliper.