Joe Dickerson: A Purple Flower
Joe Dickerson: Brown Cross Spider at Night
Joe Dickerson: Flower at the Reservoir
Joe Dickerson: Wild Flowers
Joe Dickerson: Colour in the Water
Joe Dickerson: The Summer Triangle
Joe Dickerson: Dirty Road
Joe Dickerson: De-saturated Pine Straw
Joe Dickerson: De-saturated Pine Cone
Joe Dickerson: The Sun Through the Trees
Joe Dickerson: NGC 869 and NGC 884 (Double Cluster)
Joe Dickerson: M13 (Hercules Globular Cluster)
Joe Dickerson: M57 (Ring Nebula)
Joe Dickerson: The Moon
Joe Dickerson: If a Tree Falls...
Joe Dickerson: De-saturated Leaves
Joe Dickerson: Sunset Over The Reservoir
Joe Dickerson: Reservoir Tree Line
Joe Dickerson: A Log in the Water
Joe Dickerson: Autumn Tree at the Reservoir
Joe Dickerson: Sun Off the Water
Joe Dickerson: The Reservoir
Joe Dickerson: A Friend's Driveway
Joe Dickerson: Bridge Over the Reservoir