jimhillhouse: iPhone Line at the Apple Store Domain
jimhillhouse: Craig, Don and Patton
jimhillhouse: Jim and Craig
jimhillhouse: Apple Geniuses Taking Care of Us
jimhillhouse: Craig, Don, and Patton Enjoy the Wait
jimhillhouse: Don and Patton
jimhillhouse: Don and Patton Getting Antsy
jimhillhouse: iPhone Line That Had Shade
jimhillhouse: Finally The Sun Isn't On Me
jimhillhouse: Mei And Jim Wait
jimhillhouse: The Line Moves
jimhillhouse: Jim Stressing
jimhillhouse: iPhone Countdown
jimhillhouse: The iPhone Line From The Apple Store
jimhillhouse: The Crowd Goes Wild With Anticipation
jimhillhouse: First Customers
jimhillhouse: Mei With An iPhone
jimhillhouse: Jim With An iPhone
jimhillhouse: All's Quiet The Night Before