jdfelton: Cardinal, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Catbird, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Phoebe, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Purple Finch, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Red-shouldered Hawk, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Red-winged Blackbird, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Song Sparrow after bath, Housatonic Valley WMA 9-3-20
jdfelton: Swamp Sparrow, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Cooper's Hawk, Housatonic Valley WMA, 9-3-20
jdfelton: Black-billed Cuckoo1, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Black-billed Cuckoo2, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Black-throated Green Warbler, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Black-throated Green Warbler, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Bluebird, Ice Glen Road 9-5-20
jdfelton: Cedar Waxwing1, Ice Glen Road 9-5-20
jdfelton: Cedar Waxwing2, Ice Glen Road 9-5-20
jdfelton: Cedar Waxwings, Ice Glen Road 9-5-20
jdfelton: Chestnut-sided Warbler, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Chestnut-sided Warbler2, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Chestnut-sided Warbler3, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Chickadee with meal, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Kestrel and Merlin, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Kestrel2, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Kestrel2, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Merlin3, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Phoebe, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Phoebe, October Mountain 9-5-20
jdfelton: Song Sparrow, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Wood Ducks1, Canoe Meadows 9-4-20
jdfelton: Yellow-rumped Warbler1, October Mountain 9-5-20