jdevl: shiny
jdevl: bouquet
jdevl: guess the wedding song
jdevl: everyone dancin
jdevl: tykes dancin
jdevl: what do we have here
jdevl: balcony toss
jdevl: just faking
jdevl: omg chocalate fountain
jdevl: flashy flowers
jdevl: beautiful wide
jdevl: beautiful tall
jdevl: in a bowl
jdevl: DaCostas
jdevl: up above it all
jdevl: yummy
jdevl: pretty tall
jdevl: pretty wide
jdevl: bridesmaid
jdevl: a bit happy
jdevl: just married, literally
jdevl: flower girl
jdevl: she made it come true
jdevl: dad's dad
jdevl: isaac!
jdevl: blue!
jdevl: true blue
jdevl: just like you imagined
jdevl: congrats delcamps!
jdevl: it worked