Javier D.: Cashew seller
Javier D.: Mother and son
Javier D.: African shyness
Javier D.: African beauty
Javier D.: River ferry boys
Javier D.: Looking at the white man
Javier D.: Looking at the river
Javier D.: Running children
Javier D.: The claim
Javier D.: The claim
Javier D.: Runner for nothing
Javier D.: Waiting to arrive
Javier D.: Girl from the ferry
Javier D.: Girl from the ferry
Javier D.: Girl from the ferry
Javier D.: Mama Africa
Javier D.: Mama Africa
Javier D.: The fruit sellers
Javier D.: The beach fruit seller
Javier D.: Dark sun
Javier D.: The rest
Javier D.: The fishermen and the sunset
Javier D.: The fishermen and the sunset
Javier D.: Heaven look
Javier D.: Woman in yellow
Javier D.: Through the market
Javier D.: Vegetables
Javier D.: More vegetables
Javier D.: Saleswoman
Javier D.: Market