jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 1 of 7. Stocking sale.
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve photo 2 of 7: Too many luke warm chickens.
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 3 of 7. Yelling, clapping man: "Lobsters! 30% off!"
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 4 of 7. Ann-chan vs. Santa-san.
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 5 of 7. Paid for Churned out KFC waiting to be collected. (Honour system!)
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 6 of 7. Invisible Santa. AM/PM convenience store, by Yokkaichi station.
jdcb42: Japan on Christmas Eve: photo 7 of 7. Silly season! Cross-dressing Xmas cheer at our local supermarket.