JDB Sound Photography:
Pano before acoustical treatment PPC
JDB Sound Photography:
PPC_Panorama-1 Before acoustical treatment
JDB Sound Photography:
paris pan complete
JDB Sound Photography:
paris presbyterian church cluster1
JDB Sound Photography:
stage right to left
JDB Sound Photography:
stage with light on
JDB Sound Photography:
vertical pan paris front
JDB Sound Photography:
hybrid left right system
JDB Sound Photography:
from stage to back
JDB Sound Photography:
corner with speakers and diffusers
JDB Sound Photography:
main cluster copy
JDB Sound Photography:
front view balcony
JDB Sound Photography:
Organ console
JDB Sound Photography:
front black and white
JDB Sound Photography:
PPC B&W before changes
JDB Sound Photography:
corner stage view
JDB Sound Photography:
main cluster 2
JDB Sound Photography:
JDB_0581_2_3_4_5_B&W Artistic copy
JDB Sound Photography:
paris ceiling after speaker installation copy