ActionFigure: IMG_8134.jpg
ActionFigure: IMG_8132.jpg
ActionFigure: view from the road -- West Bloomfield, MI
ActionFigure: IMG_8129.jpg
ActionFigure: We'll get married here
ActionFigure: the scene
ActionFigure: DSC_5996.jpg
ActionFigure: DSC_5997_1.jpg
ActionFigure: mariarhelpsmom
ActionFigure: IMG_8142.jpg
ActionFigure: IMG_8141.jpg
ActionFigure: IMG_8135.jpg
ActionFigure: weddingguests
ActionFigure: The Salt Miners
ActionFigure: mother & brother-of-the-bride
ActionFigure: groomsmen enter
ActionFigure: Jessica enters
ActionFigure: IMG_8170.jpg
ActionFigure: bridesmaid enters
ActionFigure: waiting for Maria
ActionFigure: Guests standing at attention
ActionFigure: from the light -- here comes the bride
ActionFigure: going to the chapel
ActionFigure: IMG_8188.jpg
ActionFigure: DSC_5999.jpg
ActionFigure: DSC_6012_1.jpg
ActionFigure: IMG_8180.jpg
ActionFigure: getting married