JCworshipper clan: Peggy's visitors!
JCworshipper clan: Eric Estrada and my sister in law Pam!
JCworshipper clan: Todd getting his award from the Mayor...
JCworshipper clan: Mayor Peggy Delach and Eric Estrada
JCworshipper clan: Mayor Pro Tem John King and Eric Estrada! Great fun!
JCworshipper clan: Eric Estrada, Walt Allen, and Me with others!
JCworshipper clan: Debbie and the kids with Eric Estrada!
JCworshipper clan: Peggy and Family!
JCworshipper clan: Peggy's German Relatives Visiting and riding in the parade!
JCworshipper clan: Peggy in her Mercedes for the Parade!
JCworshipper clan: Walt, Mayor Peggy Delach, and her German Relatives!
JCworshipper clan: Off go the King Kids for the Parade!
JCworshipper clan: The kid's ride and Carson!
JCworshipper clan: Ian and Caitlin riding in the parade!
JCworshipper clan: The car we rode in for the parade...what a blast! Such nice people that drove us!
JCworshipper clan: Eagle Scout Carson May - Our dear friend that carries our banner each year!
JCworshipper clan: Debbie and I in our ride for the parade!
JCworshipper clan: Councilmember and former Mayor Walt Allen!
JCworshipper clan: More fun Covina folks!
JCworshipper clan: The Valencia Clan enjoying the parade!
JCworshipper clan: John Valencia doing the wave for us!!!
JCworshipper clan: Our friends Dan and Jeanne cheering for us!!!
JCworshipper clan: Mark Thiel taking our picture at Powell Camera Shop!
JCworshipper clan: Kids love the Covina Christmas Parade!
JCworshipper clan: Announcers all down the parade...
JCworshipper clan: The smiling and fun folks of Covina!
JCworshipper clan: Families gathered to watch the parade!
JCworshipper clan: Parade Volunteer, School Board Member and great friend Chuck Kemp!
JCworshipper clan: Our friend and my council colleague Walt Allen!