JCworshipper clan: Worship time...
JCworshipper clan: Caitlin at the piano...
JCworshipper clan: Youth Sunday...
JCworshipper clan: OJ, Shawn and Collin...
JCworshipper clan: Caitlin lays the music stand down like her dad...
JCworshipper clan: Youth Sunday...
JCworshipper clan: Practicing before church...
JCworshipper clan: OJ on percussion
JCworshipper clan: More Caitlin and Harry...
JCworshipper clan: Elliott with OJ nad Collin...
JCworshipper clan: Caitlin at the keyboard...
JCworshipper clan: Justin the jr. high leader...
JCworshipper clan: Harrison Birkett on bass...
JCworshipper clan: Scott preaching to the gathered...
JCworshipper clan: The worship time was great...
JCworshipper clan: Collin speaking...
JCworshipper clan: The girls singing...
JCworshipper clan: Elliott - our HS youth leader...
JCworshipper clan: Justin announcing the Night at the Oscars event coming up...
JCworshipper clan: Youth Sunday...
JCworshipper clan: Caitlin singing at the piano with Harrison on bass
JCworshipper clan: Collin playing lead guitar
JCworshipper clan: Elliott and Harrison Birkett on bass...
JCworshipper clan: A full house for youth Sunday today both services...
JCworshipper clan: Collin Birkett was one of the two speakers today...Great job Collin!