jcw1967: 1 view down to east lower junction
jcw1967: 10 cables dropping to west lower levels
jcw1967: 2 narrow duct to north top level
jcw1967: 3 right view into north tunnel
jcw1967: 4 left view into north tunnel
jcw1967: 5 looking east with duct on right
jcw1967: 6 descending in north top tunnel
jcw1967: 7 west lower tunnel junction left & north tunnel exit ahead
jcw1967: 8 descending down to 4 tunnel junction
jcw1967: 9 utility cables on wall
jcw1967: IMGP1105-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1105
jcw1967: IMGP1108-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1108
jcw1967: IMGP1111-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1111
jcw1967: IMGP1114-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1159
jcw1967: IMGP1153
jcw1967: IMGP1153-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1114
jcw1967: IMGP1117-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1117
jcw1967: IMGP1162-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1168
jcw1967: IMGP1118-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1168-HDR_filtered
jcw1967: IMGP1155
jcw1967: IMGP1165
jcw1967: IMGP1159-HDR_filtered