jcw1967: Fluffy playing dead
jcw1967: preparing Fluffy's evening snack
jcw1967: Fluffy's snack
jcw1967: Fluffy at the table
jcw1967: Fluffys first sat down meal
jcw1967: tawny owl
jcw1967: home sweet home
jcw1967: fluffy (13)
jcw1967: almost fully feathered
jcw1967: fluffy (2)
jcw1967: 40600008
jcw1967: dinner time
jcw1967: Look I killed this
jcw1967: fluffy (11)
jcw1967: sharp claws
jcw1967: fluffy (8)
jcw1967: fluffy (4)
jcw1967: still downy
jcw1967: 40600010
jcw1967: you looking at me
jcw1967: just give me the mice
jcw1967: teenager owl
jcw1967: still cute
jcw1967: pretending to be dead
jcw1967: new arrival
jcw1967: 40600010
jcw1967: 40600009
jcw1967: 40600008
jcw1967: 40600007
jcw1967: 40600006