jessamyn: the hat!
Tim Dorr: Atlanta Startup Weekend 3
@tdavidson: Tip jar A/B testing
Christina E Warren: Amazing release notes.
@tdavidson: Talk to @qthrul about [redacted]
Christina E Warren: Amsterdam is awesome, and I'm only in the airport!!
Andrewi709: Jay Cuthrell, Arjun and Ryan
whatnot: over mark's shoulder
Evan Carroll: Jay Cuthrell
Tamar Weinberg: Lee Odden and Jay Cuthrell - SXSW 09
Tamar Weinberg: Jeremiah Andrick and Jay Cuthrell
Technosailor: Jay Cuthrell
Halcyon: Eggnography 2012 letter
debbie millman: Stewart Butterfield's resignation
eymillbrook: firework
schampeo: Violet
hilarymason: This photo pretty much sums up Germany for me
visivo: oh baby, white balance @qthrul getting interviewed with a @phonebooth close by....not technically in the @phonebooth, but very, very close he is @qthrul in a don't want your pbx...the answer is in the cloud
eymillbrook: black and white design
henriwithani: Chad's World Live II