juliacsmith: for anne
juliacsmith: 'voice for the voiceless'
juliacsmith: street science
juliacsmith: pandemonium
juliacsmith: School of the Future
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, Washington DC
juliacsmith: julia + meg + erin
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, Washington DC
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, Washington DC
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, Feb 2009
juliacsmith: cameraman
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, NYC
juliacsmith: Hello, I'm an awesome presenter, and I can come up with brilliant workshops with <24 hours' notice.
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, NYC
juliacsmith: Idealist.org Global Volunteer Fair, Feb 2009
juliacsmith: fancy nametags
juliacsmith: Tasting
juliacsmith: Panel at Fordham
juliacsmith: collecting info
juliacsmith: Study in Australia!
juliacsmith: standing room only
juliacsmith: O Canada
juliacsmith: email from Michael J. Fox