JC's Girl: IMG_7968
JC's Girl: IMG_7969
JC's Girl: IMG_7970
JC's Girl: IMG_7971
JC's Girl: IMG_7958
JC's Girl: IMG_7959
JC's Girl: IMG_7955
JC's Girl: IMG_7956
JC's Girl: IMG_7950
JC's Girl: IMG_7951
JC's Girl: 155098_1615491478956_1586406669_1421087_482535_n
JC's Girl: 67180_1615491358953_1586406669_1421086_7138306_n
JC's Girl: 155270_1615491278951_1586406669_1421085_1403407_n
JC's Girl: 155012_1615490798939_1586406669_1421082_3680747_n
JC's Girl: IMG_8164
JC's Girl: IMG_8163
JC's Girl: IMG_8166
JC's Girl: ornament in memory of a friend's uncle who worked for the railroad
JC's Girl: ornament in memory of a friend's uncle who worked for the railroad
JC's Girl: IMG_9441
JC's Girl: IMG_9437
JC's Girl: IMG_9436
JC's Girl: IMG_9435
JC's Girl: ornament_baby on the way_back
JC's Girl: Pea in the Pod ornament - the year is wrong but it got changed after I took the picture. LOL!
JC's Girl: ornament_baseball_back
JC's Girl: ornament_baseball_front
JC's Girl: ornament_houndstooth
JC's Girl: Back of new grandparent ornament
JC's Girl: Front of new grandparent ornament