Penti's Pics: Tursiops aduncus 10816c
Montse Grillo: IMG_5743 Con la autorización del ministerio de agricultura, alimentación y pesca
Marcello Di Francesco: Secca Del Diavolo
Penti's Pics: Humpback whales - Reunion Island
Around The Blue World: Crocodile Smile
kozyndan: Sea snake, four humpback whales
bodiver: Keep-away
Montse Grillo: IMG_4098
Montse Grillo: IMG_4127
Montse Grillo: IMG_4084
Montse Grillo: IMG_4096
Penti's Pics: Baleineau à bosse - Humbapck whale calf - Megaptera novaeangliae - Reunion Island
Celia Augereau: Resident orca L92 Crewser
Around The Blue World: El Senor Cocodrile
Penti's Pics: Green turtle
Penti's Pics: Green turtle
divindk: seal3Jan11-14
Alastair Pollock: Sleeping mother and calf humpback whales
Alastair Pollock: Humpback whale calf with mother
Marcello Di Francesco: _MG_1092-Modifica-HD
Lea's UW Photography: Lai da Palpuogna
Jason Isley: Pelagic thresher shark
Kleine Cos: Touch of Daddy