jamiehull: Woohoo! Time to go!
jamiehull: The crew heads into Blizzcon '09!
jamiehull: View from the outside
jamiehull: Time to go in
jamiehull: Gots infos?
jamiehull: SC2 section
jamiehull: Already lining up to play
jamiehull: She scares me
jamiehull: Just before opening ceremonies
jamiehull: Werkin' the hawt self pic taking skillz
jamiehull: OMG! It's a cataclysm!
jamiehull: SQUEE! Gnome PRIESTS!
jamiehull: Thar be dargons?
jamiehull: Dundunduuuuuun
jamiehull: Diablo III sign
jamiehull: So many gamers!
jamiehull: Illidan is very purple
jamiehull: Testing the new WoW xpac
jamiehull: My first blue chick sighting
jamiehull: Waiting for the photoshoot to start
jamiehull: Love the spider!
jamiehull: Starting to gather
jamiehull: She was freakin' TALL!
jamiehull: A warlock and a pandaren
jamiehull: Group shot #4billion
jamiehull: Tons of photographers showed
jamiehull: Much time spent posing
jamiehull: Blizzcon_055
jamiehull: Almost the whole crew
jamiehull: Go green!