James Clay Photography: Damselfly ? ID
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: Final Instar Nymph of Forest Bug
James Clay Photography: 2-Spotted Ladybird
James Clay Photography: Picture-Winged Fly ~ Urophora sp.
James Clay Photography: Female Thick Legged Flower Beetle
James Clay Photography: Female Thick Legged Flower Beetle
James Clay Photography: Bee on Ox-eye daisy
James Clay Photography: Bee on Ox-eye daisy
James Clay Photography: Bee on Ox-eye daisy
James Clay Photography: Bee on Ox-eye daisy
James Clay Photography: Picture-Winged Fly ~ Urophora sp.
James Clay Photography: 7-Spotted Ladybird
James Clay Photography: Harlequin Ladybird
James Clay Photography: Harlequin Ladybird
James Clay Photography: Harlequin Ladybird
James Clay Photography: The Resident Arachnid
James Clay Photography: Picture-Winged Fly ~ Urophora cardui
James Clay Photography: Arachid on Ox-eye daisy
James Clay Photography: 16 Spot Ladybird Larvae
James Clay Photography: 16 Spot Ladybird Larvae
James Clay Photography: 16 Spot Ladybird Larvae
James Clay Photography: Picture-Winged Fly ~ Urophora cardui