John Kendall1: Yellow-green Vireo
John Kendall1: Yellow-green Vireo
John Kendall1: Yellow-green Vireo
John Kendall1: Yellow-green Vireo
John Kendall1: Sooty Fox Sparrow
John Kendall1: Hutton's Vireo
John Kendall1: Warbling Vireo
John Kendall1: Harbor Seal
John Kendall1: Harbor Seal
John Kendall1: Dusky Warbler
John Kendall1: Dusky Warbler
John Kendall1: Dusky Warbler
John Kendall1: Sanderlings with Western SP
John Kendall1: juvenile Western Sandpiper with Sanderlings
John Kendall1: juvenile Western Sandpiper with Sanderlings
John Kendall1: Clay-colored Sparrow
John Kendall1: Northern Gannet
John Kendall1: Molting likely adult Pomarine Jaeger
John Kendall1: Pomarine Jaeger
John Kendall1: Black-footed Albatross
John Kendall1: adult Sabine's Gull
John Kendall1: Pink-footed Shearwater
John Kendall1: Red and Red-necked Phalaropes
John Kendall1: Broad-winged Hawk
John Kendall1: Broad-winged Hawk
John Kendall1: Parasitic Jaeger chasing tern
John Kendall1: Parasitic Jaeger
John Kendall1: White-tailed Kite
John Kendall1: 25,000 Vaux's Swift Roost