John Kendall1: 176A4280a
John Kendall1: 176A4281a
John Kendall1: One of two banded Clark's Nutrackers
John Kendall1: Clark's Nutcracker
John Kendall1: Crater Lake NP, OR
John Kendall1: Formation on east side of Crater Lake, OR
John Kendall1: Sea Otter
John Kendall1: Black Oystercatcher
John Kendall1: Humpback fin slapping
John Kendall1: Cassin's Auklet
John Kendall1: Black-footed Albatross
John Kendall1: Scripps's Murrelet
John Kendall1: Pink-footed Shearwaters
John Kendall1: 176A4037a
John Kendall1: Pink-footed Shearwater
John Kendall1: Pink-footed Shearwater
John Kendall1: 176A4101a
John Kendall1: 176A4110a
John Kendall1: Sabine's Gull adult
John Kendall1: 176A4121a
John Kendall1: Humpbacks on Monterey Bay, CA
John Kendall1: Black-footed Albatross
John Kendall1: juv. Northern Fulmar
John Kendall1: Red-necked Phalaropes and Sooty Shearwaters
John Kendall1: Dads N Lads Common Murres
John Kendall1: male Common Murre teaching fledgling
John Kendall1: Sooty Shearwater, Monterey Bay, CA 7/29/16
John Kendall1: 176A4271a
John Kendall1: 176A3720a
John Kendall1: Long-tailed Weasel, Trail Ridge Rd, CO