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Pichincha highlands
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Looking down into cloud forest
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One of many types of candleflower seen
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Yanacocha flowers
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Birding the road at Las Gralarias. ecuador
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Japanese Lantern, a hummingbird and flowerpiercer favorite.
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Las Gralarias flowers
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Antpitta site at Las Gralarias
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Giant Centipede, Milpe Ecuador
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Baby Pamphobeteus sp. Tarantulas
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Andean Cock of the Rock Lek shanty
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Heading back to the feeder area after seeing Yellow-breasted Antpitta
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Lunch being prepared
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View of cloud forest and lunch area, Paz de Las Aves
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Farm-turned Eco-tourist destination Paz de Las Aves - made famous by angel Paz, the original "Antpitta Whisperer". His ability to feed earthworms to these very elusive and magnetic birds is a major draw that brings birders and photographers worldwide.
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Typical Mindo area scene.
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Walking up to the small crevice where a few oilbirds roost.
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River near Oilbird Cave.
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Minosa Tree
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Box lunch before oilbirds at El Chantal.
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El Chantal. Small village
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"Tree that walks"-note the mans face on the roots at top left
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Bullet Ant.
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Birding Tower in Lower west slope-Silanche Reserve. This area has many endemics a d near-endemics and deforestation is now nearly complete. Possibly the most important a s endangered general habitat in Ecuador b
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A quick stop at Rancho Suamox yielded a few birds
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Private feeders run by this lady and her husband at Mashpi