John Kendall1: Loggerhead Shrike with 1.4 x extender
John Kendall1: Loggerhead Shrike w/1.4 x
John Kendall1: Loggerhead Shrike w/1.4x
John Kendall1: Loggerhead Shrike without 1.4 x extender
John Kendall1: Wilson's Plover
John Kendall1: Wilson's Plover
John Kendall1: male Snail Kite
John Kendall1: male Snail Kite
John Kendall1: female Snail Kite
John Kendall1: Florida Scrub Jay
John Kendall1: Florida Scrub Jay
John Kendall1: Limpkin
John Kendall1: Purple Gallinule
John Kendall1: Little Blue Heron
John Kendall1: Pomarine jaeger- molting winter adult
John Kendall1: Pomarine jaeger-molting winter adult
John Kendall1: Parasitic Jaeger-adult winter (molting)
John Kendall1: Parasitic Jaeger -molting winter adult
John Kendall1: Parasitic Jaeger
John Kendall1: Loggerhead Shrike with cocklebur
John Kendall1: adult gannet swimming pelagic
John Kendall1: Zenaida Dove
John Kendall1: Zenaida Dove
John Kendall1: Zenaida Dove
John Kendall1: American Bittern
John Kendall1: gannet adult pelagic
John Kendall1: THGU or "white-winged Herring"?
John Kendall1: ASY female Piping Plover from Chatham, Cape Cod
John Kendall1: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
John Kendall1: 1st cycle LBBG pelagic