John Kendall1: Bighorn Calf
John Kendall1: Grizzly Bear
John Kendall1: Grizzly Bear, Ursus Horribilis
John Kendall1: American Bison
John Kendall1: American Bison
John Kendall1: Black Bear
John Kendall1: Male Elk
John Kendall1: Yellow-bellied Marmot
John Kendall1: Bighorn Ewe and Calf
John Kendall1: Ewe Bighorn Sheep
John Kendall1: Pronghorn Antelope
John Kendall1: Pronghorn Antelope
John Kendall1: Female Moose with Calf
John Kendall1: Black Bear
John Kendall1: Richardson's Ground Squirrel
John Kendall1: Mountain Goat
John Kendall1: Ewe Mountain Goat and Calf
John Kendall1: Ewe Mountain Goat
John Kendall1: Mountain Goat Calf
John Kendall1: Black Bear
John Kendall1: Pronghorn Antelope
John Kendall1: Bull Elk bugling
John Kendall1: Male Elk inspecting Cow during Rut
John Kendall1: Elk Harem
John Kendall1: Bull Elk bugling
John Kendall1: Bull Elk chasing rival males away