John Kendall1: White-tailed Ptarmigan
John Kendall1: White-tailed Ptarmigan
John Kendall1: White-tailed Ptarmigan
John Kendall1: White-tailed Ptarmigan
John Kendall1: Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
John Kendall1: Pinyon Jays
John Kendall1: Pinyon Jay
John Kendall1: Gray Jay
John Kendall1: Gray Jay
John Kendall1: Sage Thrasher
John Kendall1: Plain titmouse
John Kendall1: Juvenile Ferruginous Hawk @Prairie Dog Colony
John Kendall1: Juvenile Ferruginous Hawks Cooperative hunting
John Kendall1: Cooperative hunting Ferruginous Hawks
John Kendall1: Juv. Ferruginous Hawk & Prairie Dog
John Kendall1: White-throated Swift
John Kendall1: American Dipper
John Kendall1: Eared Grebes and California Gull Island
John Kendall1: Adult California Gulls
John Kendall1: American Avocets and Black-necked Stilts
John Kendall1: Mountain Bluebird
John Kendall1: Pygmy Nuthatch
John Kendall1: Red Crossbill
John Kendall1: Mountain Chickadee
John Kendall1: Mountain Chickadee