dSLRartist: Akihabra Nite Scenes - Yodobashi-Akiba (housing Yodobashi Camera, Multimedia Akiba (1st - 6th floors); the biggest electrical and electronics chain store under one roof that I have ever seen (40 to 50k sq per floor).
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the Electronic Heaven
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo
dSLRartist: Akihabara - the electronic heaven of Tokyo