jchamp54: Ukrainian church
jchamp54: Pontiac
jchamp54: Living Room
jchamp54: Cattle station isolation
jchamp54: Like a scar on the land
jchamp54: Log wall
jchamp54: Is this Saskatchewan or Tuscany?
jchamp54: Log barns
jchamp54: House in the hills
jchamp54: Mudded log wall
jchamp54: Ukrainian Church at Lepine
jchamp54: Crooked Trees
jchamp54: Wake
jchamp54: Leaning house
jchamp54: Bridge to Nowhere
jchamp54: Help Preserve This 1922 Elevator
jchamp54: The grass runs through it
jchamp54: Sunset over the St. Louis bridge
jchamp54: Church at Kayville
jchamp54: Twisted
jchamp54: Kitchen in ruins
jchamp54: Window
jchamp54: Car near Langham
jchamp54: Weathered walls
jchamp54: Rising like a phoenix from the ashes?
jchamp54: Church on the Honeymoon Road
jchamp54: Christmas discs
jchamp54: Christmas discs
jchamp54: Lichen Flower
jchamp54: Binder Seat