sunny sunday: 第四教学楼一角
sunny sunday: 毛主席像
sunny sunday: Sunset
sunny sunday: 被积雪覆盖的长椅
sunny sunday: Sign of simply thai
sunny sunday: 舞狮
sunny sunday: 舞狮--腾
sunny sunday: 舞狮--嬉
sunny sunday: 碎石
sunny sunday: 燕园
sunny sunday: 老式电影放映机
sunny sunday: Brown Sugar
sunny sunday: Coffee Ad
sunny sunday: the pillars of library building
sunny sunday: Thermos in the display
sunny sunday: Dolls in the display
sunny sunday: Esydragon logo
sunny sunday: The art in the lane
sunny sunday: Chalk and board
sunny sunday: Graffiti on the wall
sunny sunday: Cercis
sunny sunday: Outdoor dining tables and chairs in tian zi fang
sunny sunday: Performance Art
sunny sunday: long narrow lane
sunny sunday: 一枝独秀
sunny sunday: 在光与影中随风舞动的绿叶
sunny sunday: 一绿新叶