jcburns: Modern fuel dispensary.
jcburns: Needs more stickers.
jcburns: Not Kroger.
jcburns: NASCAR-y pump.
jcburns: Our Iowa corn in your tank.
jcburns: Cluttered pumping experience.
jcburns: Moriarty service station.
jcburns: Dry well of gasoline.
jcburns: Pay double what you pump.
jcburns: Marathon ran long ago.
jcburns: Sohio Service Station, circa 1970.
jcburns: Standard sight on Ohio highways.
jcburns: Late 1960s Sohio moment.
jcburns: As Standard as Oil gets.
jcburns: Tanks, New Jersey.
jcburns: Goes with omelets?
jcburns: Dished headroom.
jcburns: Pump on its last legs.
jcburns: What else would you use it for?
jcburns: High priced gas at V and H.
jcburns: The last chance Texaco.
jcburns: Please enjoy this fine diesel.
jcburns: Transitional branding.
jcburns: Riverside fuel.
jcburns: Pumping the past.
jcburns: Europumps.
jcburns: Departed Sohio treasure.
jcburns: Good, Gulf.
jcburns: Tiger + ethanol in your tank.
jcburns: Diesel? Unleaded? Maybe kerosine.