Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-pat-ricchiuti-04-20-18gt_P174320
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: roberts-karle-perry-05-08-15gt_DSC0147
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: 19500000FSCYrbkHPKarleSeniorViticulture
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: 197x0000HPKarlePSMAChairASciRm220
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-19911023HPKarleFarmrenovationgroundbreaking
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: 19490000 FSC Senior pix Harry P Karle
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-19590000HPKarle UCD grad lab work
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: 19511102HPKarle hired as Vineyard ForemanHammer Field L-Prof VPetrucciR-DeanLDowler
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-19870922Collegianp7AgRow02
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-19640719FB14FFSCStudentPathologists2
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: karle-19519902SCPrtKarleSulfurGrapes01
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-howard-martin-bobglim-dorthy-glim-20081009CSUF08CASTBBQKarleMartinGlims
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-howard-martin-bobglim-dorthy-glim-20081009CSUF08CASTBBQKarleMartinGlims
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-20070106HPKBDParty85
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-20070106HPKBDParty05
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-20070106HPKBDParty03
Jordan College of Ag Sciences and Technology: harry-karle-ken-fugelsang-02 VE Convocation RW KF P5240086