Jim, the Photographer: Grist Mill
Jim, the Photographer: Grain Storage
Jim, the Photographer: Miller's House and Oven
Jim, the Photographer: Wooden Wagon
Jim, the Photographer: Trimble House
Jim, the Photographer: Large Crepe Myrtle in Front of Trimble House
Jim, the Photographer: "In Loving Memory of E. Mortimer Newlin 1893-1977"
Jim, the Photographer: Red Flower ?
Jim, the Photographer: Miller's House
Jim, the Photographer: Robber Fly (Diptera)
Jim, the Photographer: Robber Fly (Diptera)
Jim, the Photographer: Stone Steps Leading to . . .
Jim, the Photographer: Grist Mill
Jim, the Photographer: Chain on the Grist Mill
Jim, the Photographer: Bird in Flight
Jim, the Photographer: Bird in Flight
Jim, the Photographer: Newlin Grist Mill from the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania
Jim, the Photographer: Grist Mill Machinery
Jim, the Photographer: Grist Mill Grindstone
Jim, the Photographer: Grist Mill Tools