Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: Untitled (2012-11-03 19:40:55)
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: 5 cats in the window
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: P1150925
Jzimbabwe: P1150915
Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: P1150916
Jzimbabwe: P1150913
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: Camera Roll-173
Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: Long lines for early #voting at Turkey Thicket #dc.
Jzimbabwe: P8301876
Jzimbabwe: great church, terrible ramp
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: Colonel Brooks redevelopment
Jzimbabwe: "And the meek shall inherit the earth" #brookland #stencil #graffiti
Jzimbabwe: P1150918
Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: 1st CSA pickup of the season
Jzimbabwe: DCPS Beautification Day
Jzimbabwe: EYA Chancellor's Row
Jzimbabwe: catholic u. temp dorms
Jzimbabwe: Camera Roll-11
Jzimbabwe: Untitled (2013-03-16 20:43:27)
Jzimbabwe: Monroe Market under construction