Jzimbabwe: #newark Penn #station. Why did New York and Newark both name their stations the same thing?
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: Bagels bagels bagels #bagels
Jzimbabwe: Where the #sidewalk ends. #Orangeburg NY
Jzimbabwe: Ouch.
Jzimbabwe: Mayor Tom Barrett at @citizenIBM #smartercities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: Camera Roll-107
Jzimbabwe: Camera Roll-108
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: IBM Smarter Cities Summit
Jzimbabwe: Union Station wreath
Jzimbabwe: Camera Roll-109