jbuddenh: Associahedron
jbuddenh: tumblr spiral
jbuddenh: circles on sphere sculpture (not my photo)
jbuddenh: OUMA-Audubon-Blue-Jays
jbuddenh: chart
jbuddenh: 4 concentric impossible triangles
jbuddenh: radiolarien
jbuddenh: rocky_purse
jbuddenh: Vincent van Gogh, Watermill at Gennep, 1884
jbuddenh: van_gogh_selfportrait_1886
jbuddenh: sorrow by van Gogh
jbuddenh: Raymond-Léon Rivoire -- Woman with Greyhound
jbuddenh: Kandinski
jbuddenh: minimal surface sauermann D5
jbuddenh: 4 non-touching circles
jbuddenh: Willem_van_de_Velde_II_-_Dutch_men-o'-war_and_other_shipping_in_a_calm
jbuddenh: Van gogh: The Winter Garden 1884
jbuddenh: Im_not_worried_about_you--art_inst_of_chicago_2013
jbuddenh: Dominique Guillochon_flickr
jbuddenh: painterly-architectonic-copy
jbuddenh: composition
jbuddenh: beatthewhites-1
jbuddenh: Composition
jbuddenh: Gaspar Gasparian--untitled-2
jbuddenh: oiticica
jbuddenh: oititica-2
jbuddenh: Dóra Maurer--overlapping
jbuddenh: Arad--Oh-Void-2--photo-by-Tom-Vack
jbuddenh: Triangles-50
jbuddenh: Alphonse Mucha