John Bristowe: Touch Monitor (Compatible with Windows 7)
John Bristowe: Acer Bezel
John Bristowe: Front-Facing Perspective (Running Windows 7 x64)
John Bristowe: Scrolling via Flick Gesture in IE 8
John Bristowe: Zooming-In in IE 8
John Bristowe: Zooming-In in IE 8
John Bristowe: Zooming-Out in IE 8
John Bristowe: Testing Samples from Microsoft Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch Beta with Acer T230H LCD Monitor
John Bristowe: Testing Multi-touch with Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools with Acer T230H LCD Monitor
John Bristowe: Testing with Bing Maps 3D with Acer T230H LCD Monitor
John Bristowe: Testing Silverlight Multi-Touch Manipulation and Inertia Behaviour with Acer T230H LCD Monitor