John Bristowe:
Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth) Demonstrating Git
John Bristowe:
Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth) Demonstrating Git
John Bristowe:
Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth) Demonstrating Git
John Bristowe:
Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth) Demonstrating Git
John Bristowe:
David Woods (@gotwoods)
John Bristowe:
Bil Simser (@bsimser) Demonstrating SharePoint
John Bristowe:
Attendees at Edmonton Code Camp (#YegCodeCamp)
John Bristowe:
"It was THIS big!"
John Bristowe:
Bil Simser (@bsimser) on SharePoint Development
John Bristowe:
Bil Simser (@bsimser) on SharePoint Development
John Bristowe:
Hanging Out Before Lunch
John Bristowe:
"Blue Steel" by D'Arcy Lussier (@DArcy_Lussier)
John Bristowe:
D'Arcy Lussier (@DArcy_Lussier) and Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth)
John Bristowe:
D'Arcy Lussier (@DArcy_Lussier)
John Bristowe:
ASP.NET Pro Magazine
John Bristowe:
"Nerds on Film" (With Credit to Duran Duran)
John Bristowe:
Bil Simser (@bsimser) and Tom Opgenorth (@topgenorth) Hanging Out Before Lunch
John Bristowe:
Lunch at Ceili's
John Bristowe:
Working Lunch
John Bristowe:
Bil Simser (@bsimser)
John Bristowe:
David Woods (@GotWoods)
John Bristowe:
D'Arcy Lussier (@DArcy_Lussier)
John Bristowe:
Qualities of a Good Instructor / Qualities of a Good Student
John Bristowe:
"Wi-Fi Security" by Brad Haines
John Bristowe:
Brad Haines
John Bristowe:
Attendees at Edmonton Code Camp (#YegCodeCamp)
John Bristowe:
D'Arcy Lussier (@DArcy_Lussier)
John Bristowe:
Attendees at Edmonton Code Camp (#YegCodeCamp)
John Bristowe:
Attendees at Edmonton Code Camp (#YegCodeCamp)
John Bristowe:
Attendees at Edmonton Code Camp (#YegCodeCamp)