Joe Bob Brim:
Tarantula Nebula NGC 2070 - March 11, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Glorious Galactic Core 1 - April 17, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Glorious Galactic Core 2 - April 17, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
Probable Supernova ASASSN-21ex or Brutus 9310-5 or AT2021iff or TNS ID 80911 in PGC 299844 Narrowfield C - April 5, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
Probable Supernova ASASSN-21fy or Brutus 9318-13 or AT2021jtr in PGC 341784 or USNOA2 0225-31478669 Narrowfield C - April 15, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Magnificent Milky Way - 2006
Joe Bob Brim:
Centaurus A NGC 5128 - A Peculiar Massive Elliptical Galaxy - Oct 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
An Eta Aquarid Meteor Jupiter Saturn and the Core of the Milky Way 1 - May 5, 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
An Eta Aquarid Meteor Jupiter Saturn and the Core of the Milky Way 2 - May 5, 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
An Eta Aquarid Meteor Jupiter Saturn and the Core of the Milky Way 3 - May 5, 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
The Milky Way at Dusk - June 24, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
The Constellation Cassiopeia and Andromeda Galaxy Over Savannah Skies Observatory - June 25, 2017
Joe Bob Brim:
The Small and Large Magellanic Clouds featuring Canopus the Tarantula Nebula and 47 Tuc - July 22, 2017
Joe Bob Brim:
Loo with a View - Aug 23, 2017
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night 1 - April 19, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night 2 - April 19, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night 3 - April 19, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night 4 - April 19, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night 5 - April 19, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
A Ten Frame Slice of the Milky Way in H-Alpha - March 31, 2006
Joe Bob Brim:
Fireball Over Ayres Rock with Circumpolar Star Trails and the Rising Milky Way - March 31, 2006
Joe Bob Brim:
Milky Way Over Ayres Rock - March 31, 2006
Joe Bob Brim:
Our Magnificent Milky Way - April 1, 2006
Joe Bob Brim:
The Andromeda Galaxy M31 Widefield Colour - June 15, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
Supernova ASASSN-21kl or Brutus 9376-7 or AT2021pit in NGC 1448 Narrowfield Colour - June 12, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Milky Way Directly Overhead: Fisheye View - May 8, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
The Milky Way Stacked Over Hamilton Island Featuring Orion, the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, the Southern Cross and the Eta Carina Nebula - Nov 11, 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Outback at Night The Milky Way Jupiter, Mars and Saturn Rising - March 26, 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
Possible Nova AT2021zsv in the Triangulum Galaxy M33 - Sept 29, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
Outback Moonrise 1 - March 3, 2019