Joe Bob Brim:
M8 and M20 - March 14, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Seven Sisters - Oct 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
The Glorious Galactic Core 1 - April 17, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Glorious Galactic Core 2 - April 17, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
Flight Through the Constellation of Orion Featuring Flash Illuminated Jet Engines, The Great Nebula of Orion (M42), the Horsehead Nebula (IC 434) and the Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) - Aug 5, 2007
Joe Bob Brim:
The Constellation Cassiopeia and Andromeda Galaxy Over Savannah Skies Observatory - June 25, 2017
Joe Bob Brim:
The Andromeda Galaxy M31 Widefield Colour - June 15, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
Orion Emerging from a Cloud Bank at First Light - Aug 4, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
The Lagoon Nebula M8 - June 27, 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Trifid Nebula M20 Ha-Enhanced IR portrait - June 2009
Joe Bob Brim:
The Eagle Nebula M16 Ha-Enhanced IR portrait - June 2009
Joe Bob Brim:
The Milky Way Stacked Over Hamilton Island Featuring Orion, the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, the Southern Cross and the Eta Carina Nebula - Nov 11, 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Heart of Orion - Aug 5, 2018
Joe Bob Brim:
Orion Nebula M42 H-alpha Filter - Sept 28, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
The Horsehead Nebula IC 434 H-alpha Filter Widefield - Oct 22, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
Possible Nova AT2021zsv in the Triangulum Galaxy M33 - Sept 29, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Horse Head Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula NGC 2024: H-alpha, False Colour - June 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Horse Head Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula NGC 2024: H-alpha, Mono - June 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Horse Head Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula NGC 2024: H-alpha, Negative Mono - June 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
Bernard's Loop - June 29, 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Eagle Nebula M16: H-alpha False Colour - 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Eagle Nebula M16: H-alpha Monochrome - 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
The Eagle Nebula M16: H-alpha Negative Monochrome - 2008
Joe Bob Brim:
Orion's Belt - Nov 29, 2020
Joe Bob Brim:
The Lunar Eclipse and the Pleiades 1 - Nov 19, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
The Lunar Eclipse and the Pleiades 2 - Nov 19, 2021
Joe Bob Brim:
Outback Moonrise 1 - March 3, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
Moonrise 2 - March 3, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
Moonrise 3 - March 3, 2019
Joe Bob Brim:
Andromeda Galaxy and Timor Rock - Nov 17, 2006