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Bird Depot by JB McComb
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JB McComb
Gull at at the lake.
JB McComb
JB McComb
Hybrid Goose - on snow
JB McComb
JB McComb
I LOVE this pic !!!!
JB McComb
JB McComb
STILL thrilled from seeing this Baldie pair
JB McComb
Love your new neckless girl....
JB McComb
Cactus Wren - DBG, PHX, AX
JB McComb
What ?
JB McComb
At the Madison Zoo !
JB McComb
Sandhill down my street.
JB McComb
Same day, different Gull
JB McComb
Checking out the Marsh, and many aruguments with the RWB's
JB McComb
JB McComb
Red Tail over brown corn
JB McComb
JB McComb
House Fince atop a Blue Spruce
JB McComb
RWB on Cable at Secret spot above lower mud lake
JB McComb
First Woodpecker of the Spring
JB McComb
Last stroll on the sheets...Fish Camp, Lake Kegonsa
JB McComb
T-Vulch on patrol - roost is down my street with 25-30 birds
JB McComb
Love to wave my 5 pound camera in the air
JB McComb
This was indeed the last day of the ice.
JB McComb
County AB - nice drive to the lakes
JB McComb
Outside my door on the Crab tree !
JB McComb
Annoyed with the Card yapping..
JB McComb
Card just a singing...
JB McComb
State Bird.....yep....
JB McComb
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